Monday, December 22, 2014

Chapped lips


Chapped lips

Chapped lips  Most of us are susceptible

to having dry, chapped lips in winter -- when the air is drier.
Winter is a season when you can flaunt some of the most gorgeous attires at ease -- from the traditional suits and shawls to the flamboyant winter gowns and leather jackets. But no matter how well-dressed you are, your appearance will leave a lot to be desired if your lips betray you, being cracked and rough.
Drink plenty of water. Chapped lips occur due to lack of moisture in your lips and skin. In the cold and dry winter, more moisture is lost from our skin and lips.
Staying hydrated is as important in winter as it is in summer, or in any other season for that matter.
Use lip balms or chap sticks to nourish and protect your lips.
Avoid licking your lips. You may think that you are adding moisture -- or you may do it as a habit -- but it actually dries your lips even more. Your saliva can irritate your lips as it contains acids that break down food. Moreover, you will be licking off any natural oils you have on your lips if you continuously lick them.
Whenever possible, avoid the cold. Use you scarf to cover your lips when you are outdoors in the harsh cold weather. Buy and use a humidifier for the indoors. This will help put some additional moisture in your house, consequently making you feel more comfortable and helping your skin and lips.
For most of us, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding licking and biting lips and using chap sticks should be enough to keep lips healthy and luscious.
But if your chapped lips are too adamant to heal and they're causing too much suffering, visit a doctor, because winter may not be the only reason for this distress.