Monday, December 22, 2014

Talk to Your Baby

Talk to Your Baby

From the moment he is born your baby will start to express himself through crying, making eye contact and by using facial expressions. This early form of communication is your baby's first attempt at language. You can encourage this early stage of your baby’s speech development by talking, singing and reading to him.

Your new baby

will pay more attention to voices talking than to any other sounds. This is because his brain is tuned to pick up the texture, pattern and rhythm of language. But before he can speak himself, he must be able to understand and process information, have the ability to communicate and the physical ability to control the dozens of muscles which are involved in speech. All this takes time and your baby will need your help.

Talk to your baby
     Your baby will learn to talk by listening to voices and working out the sounds that make up words, so the more you talk to him the greater the chance he has to pick up words. Some researchers say that the more one-to-one conversations and early games a baby has, the more advanced his language will be by the time he reaches the age of two.

Be a good listener
When your baby coos and babbles at you, make eye contact and stop and listen. When he stops, it's your turn to respond with enthusiasm before pausing and waiting for him to 'talk' back. This will teach him that conversation is a two-way process. Be guided by your baby - he'll make it obvious when he's had enough.
  Music, songs and rhymes
These will help your child learn about turn-taking, listening and joining in - all essential skills for communicating. Psychologists believe that music can be of real benefit to babies in the earliest months of their lives when their brain connections are forming. Songs and rhymes often include some physical interaction as well as repetition of words which make them a fun way of learning different sounds.

Sharing books
It's never too early to share books with your baby. Books will help him to develop visual, vocabulary and listening skills. Sitting looking at picture books is a great way to spend some quality time together, so make a point of spending some part of each day sharing a book with your baby and include a bedtime story as part of his bedtime routine.

As your baby gets older he will want to 'read' books by himself so choose books with brightly coloured pictures that are sturdy enough to withstand rough treatment, yet small enough for little hands to hold. Your baby can join the library, free, from birth, which means you'll have a lot of books to choose from.

Why women stay in abusive relationship

Why women stay in abusive relationship?

Why will someone continue being in a relationship with a man who hits her, lets her down and doesn’t respect her? Why would she maintain two jobs

to pay for rent and put food on the table while her man sits drinking all day? If she didn’t end it, it was either her fault or she must have enjoyed it. Right? Once she ends such a relationship we say, “she didn’t try hard enough to fix things, she should have thought about her child’s future, she should have tried to sober him up, she shouldn’t have argued with him”.

So what is it that makes them continue such relationships? Have you ever thought before passing a judgement or making a comment or contributing to the gossip? Here are few of your questions answered and YES they do make sense.

What makes you think that this is a healthy relationship and abuses are normal?

    My father beat my mom – it just goes with being in a relationship
    Getting hit isn’t the worst thing that can happen in a family – I know of worse things
    My parents never gave up on one another
    My friend is in an abusive relationship, but she didn’t end it

Why didn’t you leave?

    My partner did not let me leave. He locked me inside my house
    My partner will attack me whenever I’m alone
    My partner said he will hunt me down and kill me
    My partner will take away my children from me
    He has all my important documents such as passports, immigration papers, locker keys, debit cards.
    My partner will spread horrible rumors about me

Why do you think this is the best you will get?

    I’m nothing. I don’t deserve better
    I can’t face making decisions anymore
    I was brainwashed to believe that I couldn’t cope without my partner
    I am so used to life being this way
    I’m more comfortable with what I know, than the unknown out in the world.

Having children doesn’t change a thing!

    My children will blame me and resent me
    The kids need a father
    Children need a “real family”
    My partner will steal the children
    My partner will harm the children
    My partner will turn the children against me

Why don’t you call someone?

    My partner doesn’t let me out of the house
    I have no friends to call for help anymore
    My partner doesn’t let me take English classes so I can’t communicate with anyone
    If I ever tell anyone about this, my partner will kill me
    My sister said I couldn’t come and stay with her anymore, after the last time…
    My partner said he or she would teach my friend a lesson if I go over there again

What are you waiting for, what is there to look for in a this relationship?

    I believe my partner when he says that it will never happen again
    My partner promised to go to therapy
    I cherish the sex and intimacy
    My partner is really loving towards me most of the time
    My marriage vows
    My religion
    I love him

Why are you trying so her to continue this relationship?

    I will ruin his life if I leave
    My partner will have nowhere to go
    My partner will lose his job if I report this
    My partner tells me the system does not support non-citizens
    My partner will start drinking, or doing drugs again
    I will disappoint my family. I can’t admit my relationship is a failure
    I am afraid the deaf community will reject me
    I have to take care of him
    He wouldn’t hurt me if I were better at keeping up the house.

So what you are economically dependent on your partner or your partner is economically dependent on you?

    My partner has all the money
    I’ve never had a good job. How would I take care of my kids alone?
    I have no work experience in this country
    It’s better to be beaten up at home than to be out on the streets
    My partner won’t let me send any money overseas
    My disability does not enable me to work
    I’d rather die than be on welfare
    My partner forces me to work and then takes all my money
    My partner charges up all my credit cards
    My partner can’t work – he depends on me to support him

Victim-blaming is easy and but why someone chooses to be in a relationship or end it is entirely their decision. The reason why someone continue to be with her abuser is far more complex than her upbringing, strength of will, and not having “a support”. Whatever it is, we are no one to judge, because WE are the reason! Our culture sends the message that a woman’s value depends on her being in a relationship. Women without partners tend to be devalued by the society. We tell them it is their male partner that keep them together. You have to have a man by your side and cannot survive in the world alone.

We should encourage them to decide when it is an appropriate time, and how to carry out that decision. Many victims do not even know that it is okay to leave. There are reasons to leave and there are reasons to stay too. Do not judge, help break the cycle of abuse! Find out how you can help them, do not impose your opinion, wait for them to realise and then come to you for help. There are several agencies that help.

Let's talk. Period

Let's talk. Period

In 2009, a UNICEF

report showed that “in countries where menstrual hygiene is considered a taboo, girls going through puberty are typically absent for 20 percent of the school year”*. Societies across the world still treat menstruation as an unmentionable topic. With so few people willing to breach this issue, most of the information being passed on is based on myths, superstitions and false beliefs. Girls are taught to stay a little afar, especially from religious practices or partaking in public/social events if one is menstruating. Dealing with menstruation is challenging enough, especially for young girls who are still dealing with the turbulence that is puberty. With limited to no space to talk about menstruation openly, these myths and half-truths are constantly perpetuated which leads to many women feeling isolated and baffled by what's happening to their bodies. Not to mention continuation of unhygienic practices leading to severe health problems perpetuated by these myths and half truths among adolescent girls and women.**

At a social level, increasingly, girls are expected to compete with their male counterparts. Whether its in education, sports or career - women and girls are breaking down barriers and showing that whatever boys can do, they can do equally well, if not better. This is all being done with period cramps and other discomforts that are well hidden from the public eye. Women and girls attend school, college and the workplace often without usable toilet facilities; not to mention the non-existent sanitation options for women while travelling long distance or in public transportations such as trains and launches.

With health and social issues directly and indirectly connected to issues of menstruation, we still do not talk about it, address it, educate our daughters about it. If every girl gets it and every girl knows about it, why not talk about it?

Why is it important to talk about periods?
Looking at it from a medical perspective, there are hundreds of health conditions and diseases related to menstruation (the period) and menstrual cycle (the time from the beginning of one period to the next), so dealing with periods in a clean and smart manner is imperative.

It is very important for a woman to have regular periods, especially if she is trying to conceive. During each menstrual cycle, levels of the hormone oestrogen rise, resulting in an egg developing and being released by the ovary (ovulation). The womb lining thickens in preparation for a possible pregnancy. The egg travels down the fallopian tube and if it meets a sperm and is fertilised, a pregnancy can occur. The egg lives for about 24 hours and if it isn't fertilised, it will be absorbed into the body. The lining of the womb will come away and leave the body through the vagina mixed with blood. This is a period. So by now you should be able to understand that if there are no regular periods, there won’t be regular ovulation and no pregnancy.

If the period doesn’t start by 16 years of age its called delayed menarche and needs medical attention. If the period starts and then stops it may be due to stress, extreme weight loss, medications or even conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). If the period starts on time, but is too heavy or happens too often, it may cause too much blood loss which can eventually lead to anaemia if supplements or adequate nutrition is not given. Periods may be irregular in the beginning which is normal but it can also be caused by unsuspected pregnancy, PCOS or thyroid problems. Periods can often be painful (the pain can range from mild to severe), due to the uterine muscles contracting to remove the blood, but in few cases this may indicate an underlying disease such as endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease etc.

These are few examples of the diseases related to periods. Maintaining proper hygiene alone can get rid of many complications and infections.

What are the dangers associated with poor hygiene?
It is extremely important that the girls are taught about the importance of hygiene and the potential risks if its not maintained. The risk of infection is higher than normal during menstruation. A plug of mucus normally found at the mouth of the cervix is dislodged and the cervix opens to allow blood to pass out of the body. This creates a passage for bacteria to travel back into the uterus and pelvic cavity. In addition, the pH of the vagina is less acidic at this time which can increase the chances of gaining yeast infections such as Thrush (Candidiasis).

Here are few examples of poor hygienic practices and their associated risks:
unclean sanitary pads/ napkins/cloth- bacteria may grow, cause local infection, travel up to the uterus or the urethra.
changing pads/ cloth infrequently- causes local skin irritation and rashes leading to infection if the skin is broken.
wiping from back to front- bacteria from the bowel is moved to vagina (or urethra) causing infection.

Teaching our daughters, helping the future

“I was 11 when I got my period. I remember going to the bathroom with serious stomach pains and finding spots of blood in my underwear. My parents were out that night. I changed my clothes and for some reason, as if by some instinct, I wore a pair of jeans. I don’t even remember when I fell asleep. The jeans had soaked up the blood overnight and there was none on my bed. Relief. But hold on, there was blood all over my pants. Horrified, I told my mom that maybe I cut myself. My mom and I were never close, so I was scared and hesitant to tell her. She took me to the bathroom, checked, had an exasperated look, instructed me to take off my clothes, wash myself and to just wait there. So, I waited in the bathroom while she gave instructions to someone to get something. I overheard Amma telling Nanu, “atoh taratari hobe bujhinai. Jhamela.” A box appeared with “Senora” and a picture of a woman smiling on it. I always wondered what those boxes were at the pharmacies, a little hidden from the main counter, and now I knew. She brought out two white thick cotton rectangulars with loops extended from each side. Amma gave me instructions on how to loop the extensions with the additional elastic band around my legs and to wear my underwear over it. She briefly stated that this will soak up the blood. Naively I asked will it end today? A little amused, she said, no, you will have it all your life, till you grow very old. I remember my entire world at that very moment fell apart. 7 days a week, every month, I will have this for the rest of my life? What does that mean? What is the reason behind this strange phenomenon? Why won’t my brothers get it? I had so many questions but was too scared to ask. I was instructed not to move around too much and to not go out to the playground with my brothers. The only thing I was happy about this gruesome experience was to get excused from Arabic classes! When asked why, all I received was a word “napak” - dirty. I would be dirty for 7 days a week each month, for the rest of my life. Again, why am I dirty? I didn’t know how to ask. Suddenly I grew up. No one explained anything else to me. There was a strange silence around it, almost as if somehow it was my fault. Whatever I learnt, I learnt from friends with older sisters. By then, I had already faced embarrassing moments with leaks and pad disposal. Sometimes I think it is a miracle that I had no infection or health problems given how little I knew and how many mistakes I made.”
-Maya user, age 32

Parents, guardians, older siblings, especially sisters play a crucial role in teaching girls about their bodies particularly on this important rite of passage. Girls who were taught about their bodies, menstruation cycles and how to hygienically manage their periods, are found to be more confident, able to participate in school and other social events.

Different girls become women at different ages and the first period can start anytime and anywhere, so it is good to start preparing yourself early on. Once she starts her period explain to her what is happening and slowly answer her whys and hows. Most parents avoid talking about periods because of the uncomfortable topic of sex and reproduction, but these topics can be better handled in a culturally sensitive way if you start preparing yourself to have the “talk”. Given cultural barriers, sometimes it is easier for an aunt or an older sister/cousin to talk to your daughter. Reaching out to close female confidants will show your daughter that she has a community, a support system. Teach her how to manage her first period, and whom she can go for help with how to use a pad, how often to change it and the importance of maintaining hygiene. Show her how to dispose used pads or, if using cloth, how to clean it. Help her to be prepared for leaks, unexpected irregular period dates and stomach cramps.

Take her shopping. Let her decide what kind of sanitary napkins she wants, and what form of undergarments she might be comfortable using. If she's uncomfortable shopping with you, give her some space. Instead of giving her a list of dos and don’ts, take her out and celebrate the day. Boost her confidence with some compliments. Let her know that what shes going through doesn’t have to be scary and that she always has someone to talk to.

If you think you still have questions of your own, remember, as a parent, there is nothing wrong in admitting that you don’t have answers to everything. Remember moms, realities of today’s girl children are far different from what you had experienced during your adolescence. If you are unsure about any topic related to menstruation (irregularity, cramps, sanitary napkins and feminine products, etc.), you can find important and culturally relevant information on the web on sites like Maya. If you are still unsure, make an appointment with a health professional to have a candid conversation that will be beneficial to both you and your child.

If mom isn’t around, your daughter should be comfortable asking you - the dads - to get her a packet of sanitary napkin instead of wearing the same dirty one. Braving an uncomfortable moment now can help your daughter from avoiding major medical complications in the future. For her health and happiness, be as supportive as you can, be as open as you can. You will raise a more confident and self assured woman if you acknowledge her new womanhood in a positive manner.

Chapped lips


Chapped lips

Chapped lips  Most of us are susceptible

to having dry, chapped lips in winter -- when the air is drier.
Winter is a season when you can flaunt some of the most gorgeous attires at ease -- from the traditional suits and shawls to the flamboyant winter gowns and leather jackets. But no matter how well-dressed you are, your appearance will leave a lot to be desired if your lips betray you, being cracked and rough.
Drink plenty of water. Chapped lips occur due to lack of moisture in your lips and skin. In the cold and dry winter, more moisture is lost from our skin and lips.
Staying hydrated is as important in winter as it is in summer, or in any other season for that matter.
Use lip balms or chap sticks to nourish and protect your lips.
Avoid licking your lips. You may think that you are adding moisture -- or you may do it as a habit -- but it actually dries your lips even more. Your saliva can irritate your lips as it contains acids that break down food. Moreover, you will be licking off any natural oils you have on your lips if you continuously lick them.
Whenever possible, avoid the cold. Use you scarf to cover your lips when you are outdoors in the harsh cold weather. Buy and use a humidifier for the indoors. This will help put some additional moisture in your house, consequently making you feel more comfortable and helping your skin and lips.
For most of us, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding licking and biting lips and using chap sticks should be enough to keep lips healthy and luscious.
But if your chapped lips are too adamant to heal and they're causing too much suffering, visit a doctor, because winter may not be the only reason for this distress.

Men's Health Live Well, Live Long: Men’s Health & Well-Being

Men's Health
Live Well, Live Long: Men’s Health & Well-Beingarticle_img_popup

Men’s health is a highly

neglected topic in Bangladesh, due to a number of cultural and social barriers and taboos. From childhood, men are taught not to talk about their health unless in dire pain and discomfort because talking about it demeans their “manliness”, their “manhood”.  Parents are too shy to talk to their sons about their genital area and basic concepts of hygiene and health because the overall culture does not permit such discussions and interactions. This culture of silence is even more clear to us at the Maya team as we answer hundreds of questions from young men on erectile dysfunction, per-ejaculation, sexual health and infections, basic penile and testicular frequently asked questions, and overall better living.  

Based on the overwhelming number of questions we receive from men between the age of 15-40 regarding their own health or on behalf of female members of their families, the Maya team brings a brand new section dedicated to men’s health and well-being. This section will provide users with accurate,detailed and relevant information on various male-focused health, both reproductive and non-reproductive (such as prostate cancer).

The Men’s Health section comes not as a stand-alone section on but part of a holistic thinking to health and well-being.  Along with important medical issues pertaining to men and young boys, we will also address social constraints that determine ideas of masculinity that lead to further medical and cultural challenges. 

We hope this section will create a positive space for men and adolescent boys to discuss about their health issues and break the culture of silence among the men of Bangladesh.

WOMEN'S HEALTH Diet rules for migraines

Diet rules for migraines

People with migraine sometimes

feel like their heads are ticking bombs. A wrong move can lead to a debilitating headache which might make all activity next to impossible. Staying up late, stress, too much coffee or even too little, can all be triggers for migraine. To be honest, I've had migraine attacks due to far less.
The problem with migraine is only those who suffer from it actually understand how crippling it can be. When I have migraine attacks, I don't just have a headache, I can't even open my eyes. Some people who have nausea, vomiting is not uncommon. Characteristic migraine headaches are pulsating, they start on one side and can gradually involve the whole head. Too much light and sound make things worse. Migraine patients are even more susceptible to depression and have much more trouble maintaining social ties and doing well at work.
While there are medications to help those with migraine, there are also lifestyle changes and food habits that can help you have fewer attacks.
Here are a few rules you have to maintain if you want to prevent headaches:
Find out what your food triggers are
Everything from chocolate to coffee has been blamed for migraines, remember different foods affect different people. What might be a trigger for you may not affect someone else. Keep a food diary for a few weeks and mark the days you have a migraine. If you analyse what you ate the day before or on the day you had migraine you'll be able to figure out what caused it. This might be a slightly tedious process but this has helped many people. Avoiding triggers, sleeping on time and maintaining a balanced lifestyle can potentially eliminate migraine attacks.
Green vegetables and nuts everyday
Magnesium and Riboflavin (vitamin B2) are two substances that reduce headaches. They are present in green vegetables and nuts so make sure there's shaak (spinach) for lunch or dinner everyday. Have 4-6 almonds daily as well. Other valuable sources of magnesium are potatoes and whole-grains (lal atta). Riboflavin is also abundant in eggs and low fat milk.
Load up on Vitamin D
Vitamin D which is mostly required for bone and teeth health has also been linked to headaches. The daily requirement of Vitamin D is 1000 IU and this goes up to 1200 IU after menopause for women. Most of this comes from exposure of the skin to sunlight but a fair amount needs to come from food. Foods with Vitamin D are mushrooms, egg yolks, cheese (even deshi paneer is good), yoghurt, milk, cod liver oil and beef liver. You can try having Calcium- Vitamin D supplements. This is especially important after menopause and for all individuals past 60.
Eat regularly. Eat sensibly
Instead of having 3 large meals daily, have smaller and more frequent meals to make sure your blood sugar never drops.
Reduce your fat intake and eat complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates refer to foods that slowly release sugar into your system, like brown bread, rotis made with lal atta, oatmeal, red rice or lal chaal, low GI rice, vegetables. Simpler carbohydrates refer to sugars, things that are unprocessed like white bread, maida, cakes etc. These foods are the ones you should avoid.
While you may not be able to ever be “cured” of migraines, a few sensible choices can make a huge difference in your life.

Naomi Ferdous Mirza
Medical Specialist

Hair-Raising tips

Hair-Raising tips

As the weather is naturally dry,

you have to take extra care of your hair to ensure it does not become dry as well. In winter, splits ends, dandruff and hair fall are all common. A great way to protect your hair from damage caused by dirt and wind during this time is to wrap up your locks with a silk scarf. Woollen scarves on the other hand will lead to hair breakage.  During winter, it is best to treat your hair once a week to a deep conditioning treatment. This will replenish the moisture which tends to get depleted during the season. However busy your schedule is, don't skip the oil your hair needs. Oil your hair at least twice a week to keep it healthy and moistened and to help regulate the blood circulation; oil such as olive oil, castor oil and almond oil are all good for your hair. You can also add vitamin capsules with the oil for better results. After massaging your hair, dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and cover your hair with it.
Wash your hair to at least three or four times a week as this will prevent your hair from drying and also prevent the removal of natural oils from the hair. Use mild or herbal shampoo for your hair. After shampooing, using conditioner is a must but you can instead use coconut milk if you want to go natural. Applying a good conditioner will lock the moisture in your hair. Complete the process by running your hair through cold water. Also, avoid contact hair contact with hot water, as that may damage the hair. Allow your hair to dry naturally in winter. Try not to go out with wet hair as this encourages splitting of hair. During winter, avoid using blow dryers, flat irons as well as curling iron.
Regular trims are also a great way to keep your hair in good health during the winter.

Cakes galore

Cakes galore

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed
Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed
It’s winter! And the barometer agrees.

Butthis season, many might argue, is not the most comfortable of all. We have a hard time battling the cold chills. Nevertheless, we cherish this time for at least one reason: winter is the time to have delectable pithas.
The strong incentive to get out of your blanket in a cold morning is to relish in the sweet, steaming ‘bhapa pitha’. Of course, the menu is not restricted to ‘bhapa pitha’ only. Another savoury is the simple ‘chithoi pitha’. But don’t underestimate it for its simplicity. Dip slices of it in date palm juice (‘khejurer rosh’) and then put it in your mouth – you’ll be transferred in seventh heaven. Or have it with spicy ‘bhortas’.
The list of rice cakes is rather long. But bhapa pitha and chitoi pitha seem to be omnipresent in every household and on every street corner.  
On a bitter-cold, foggy winter evening, have a few pithas with friends on the tiny street-side shops, where the vendors sit with the whole arrangement -- from stoves to plates to bhortas on the side.

Don’t let this winter pass without sinking your teeth on the delicacies it has to offer.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

8 Bad Habits that Crush Your Creativity and Stifle Your Success

“The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts the moment you get up and doesn’t stop until you get into the office.” 
image of squashed face
It’s a myth that only highly intelligent people are creative.
In fact, research shows that once you get beyond an I.Q. of about 120, which is just a little above average, intelligence and creativity are not at all related.
That means that even if you’re no smarter than most people, you still have the potential to wield amazing creative powers.
So why are so few people highly creative?
Because there are bad habits people learn as they grow up which
crush the creative pathways in the brain. And like all bad habits, they can be broken if you are willing to work at it.
Here are eight of the very worst bad habits that could be holding you back every day:

1. Creating and evaluating at the same time


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You can’t drive a car in first gear and reverse at the same time. Likewise, you shouldn’t try to use different types of thinking simultaneously. You’ll strip your mental gears.
Creating means generating new ideas, visualizing, looking ahead, considering the possibilities. Evaluating means analyzing and judging, picking apart ideas and sorting them into piles of good and bad, useful and useless.
Most people evaluate too soon and too often, and therefore create less. In order to create more and better ideas, you must separate creation from evaluation, coming up with lots of ideas first, then judging their worth later.

2. The Expert Syndrome


This a big problem in any field where there are lots of gurus who tell you their secrets of success. It’s wise to listen, but unwise to follow without question.
Some of the most successful people in the world did what others told them would never work. They knew something about their own idea that even the gurus didn’t know.
Every path to success is different.

3. Fear of failure

Most people remember baseball legend Babe Ruth as one of the great hitters of all time, with a career record of 714 home runs.
However, he was also a master of the strike out. That’s because he always swung for home runs, not singles or doubles. Ruth either succeeded big or failed spectacularly.
No one wants to make mistakes or fail. But if you try too hard to avoid failure, you’ll also avoid success.
It has been said that to increase your success rate, you should aim to make more mistakes. In other words, take more chances and you’ll succeed more often. Those few really great ideas you come up with will more than compensate for all the dumb mistakes you make.

4. Fear of ambiguity

Most people like things to make sense.
Unfortunately, life is not neat and tidy. There are some things you’ll never understand and some problems you’ll never solve.
I once had a client who sold a product by direct mail. His order form broke every rule in the book. But it worked better than any other order form he had ever tried.
Why? I don’t know.
What I do know is that most great creative ideas emerge from a swirl of chaos. You must develop a part of yourself that is comfortable with mess and confusion. You should become comfortable with things that work even when you don’t understand why.

5. Lack of confidence

A certain level of uncertainty accompanies every creative act. A small measure of self-doubt is healthy.
However, you must have confidence in your abilities in order to create and carry out effective solutions to problems.
Much of this comes from experience, but confidence also comes from familiarity with how creativity works.
When you understand that ideas often seem crazy at first, that failure is just a learning experience, and that nothing is impossible, you are on your way to becoming more confident and more creative.
Instead of dividing the world into the possible and impossible, divide it into what you’ve tried and what you haven’t tried. There are a million pathways to success.

6. Discouragement from other people

Even if you have a wide-open mind and the ability to see what’s possible, most people around you will not. They will tell you in various and often subtle ways to conform, be sensible, and not rock the boat.
Ignore them. The path to every victory is paved with predictions of failure. And once you have a big win under your belt, all the naysayers will shut their noise and see you for what you are — a creative force to be reckoned with.

7. Being overwhelmed by information

It’s called “analysis paralysis,” the condition of spending so much time thinking about a problem and cramming your brain with so much information that you lose the ability to act.
It’s been said that information is to the brain what food is to the body. True enough. But just as you can overeat, you can also over think.
Every successful person I’ve ever met has the ability to know when to stop collecting information and start taking action. Many subscribe to the “ready – fire – aim” philosophy of business success, knowing that acting on a good plan today is better than waiting for a perfect plan tomorrow.

8. Being trapped by false limits

Ask a writer for a great idea, and you’ll get a solution that involves words. Ask a designer for a great idea, and you’ll get a solution that involves visuals. Ask a blogger for a great idea, and you’ll get a solution that involves a blog.
We’re all a product of our experience. But the limitations we have are self-imposed. They are false limits. Only when you force yourself to look past what you know and feel comfortable with can you come up with the breakthrough ideas you’re looking for.
Be open to anything. Step outside your comfort zone. Consider how those in unrelated areas do what they do. What seems impossible today may seem surprisingly doable tomorrow.
If you recognize some of these problems in yourself, don’t fret. In fact, rejoice! Knowing what’s holding you back is the first step toward breaking down the barriers of creativity.
How about you? What mental habit has been hardest on your creativity? Let us know in the comments how you’ve handled it.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking

Nicotine is one of the most addictive,

harmful and widely available legal drugs in the world. Smoking is a bad habit and it is annoying and harmful to people who don't smoke. It harms children who are exposed to it passively. Cigarettes are responsible for around 4.9 million deaths each year. Quitting smoking is difficult but not impossible.
Quit Smoking Step 1 Version 3.jpgSteps
  1. 1
    Realize that tobacco creates a habit on a variable reinforcement schedule. Sometimes, it gets you high. People smoke long after they have any expectation of getting high. At some point, you can combine it with coffee and alcohol, and it still does not work, but you've done it a hundred, thousand, or more times by then, and so they are all habit smokes. Sometimes, it actually hurts to smoke, and yet people keep doing it.
  2. Quit Smoking Step 2 Version 3.jpg
    Find a strong inner determination to stop smoking. Consider making a list of the reasons you're thinking about quitting to shore up your determination. Specific, current, emotion-based reasons are better than factual, future-based reasons. For instance, "It's embarrassing to ride the elevator at work smelling like a giant cigarette" is more motivating than "I don't want to get cancer when I’m 40, 50 or 60."
    • Get some facts. Look up smoking on the internet and find out the history behind it, and what happens to smokers later on in life. You'll learn about the profit motives behind the industry as well as some medically gruesome reasons to quit. Also, get the facts about any quit-smoking product or technique you're considering, as research shows that some are more effective than others. Your local consumer or community health organization might have comparison charts for you to check out.
  3. Quit Smoking Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    Be positive and confident that you can successfully quit. You have spent time and energy planning how you will deal with the task ahead by following our tips for giving up smoking. Believe you can and you will do it if you persevere. Use goal accomplishment techniques and regular milestone rewards to stay focused and committed.
    • Always start your new life with a sense of excitement and enjoyment.
    • Give yourself rewards for milestones (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc.). For example, if you smoked three packs a week at $4 per pack, after 6 months you would have saved $288, probably even more. Reward yourself with that money.
  4. Quit Smoking Step 4 Version 3.jpg
    Choose a specific quit date. Instead of trying to quit each year on your birthday or for your New Year's Resolution, try quitting on a Monday! And not just next Monday - but every Monday. That gives you 52 chances in a year instead of just one chance––making it more likely that you’ll succeed. The Healthy Monday Campaign, a non-profit national public health campaign associated with the Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, encourages people to quit smoking and take other healthy actions on Mondays.
    • Between your decision to quit smoking and your "quit date", do not smoke the same brand. The difference in flavors and chemicals will make smoking less enjoyable, but not intolerable. Switching brands also helps to ‘de-automate’ smoking, which can help you become more conscious of your habit and increase your chances for success.
    • Remove all tobacco products, like lighters and matches from your home and office. Also, don't even keep a pack of cigarettes at your home, because it will make it easier to start smoking again.
    • That last step will not help people who have bummed a few thousand smokes in their life. In that case, refuse to open a pack. Keep it on you for at least a month, and maybe a year, until delaying yourself, distracting yourself, and denying that urge to open your pack is strong.
  5. Quit Smoking Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    Find a medication or a doctor to help you quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy is one option. Nicotine patches release a steady stream of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin, and nicotine gum delivers nicotine through the lining in your mouth. Other forms of nicotine replacement therapy include nicotine sprays and inhalers that also work by delivering nicotine to your body. Alternatively, ask your doctor about prescription medications to help you quit.
  6. Quit Smoking Step 6 Version 3.jpg
    Survive the first week. Use a cigarette substitute like mints, sunflower seeds, toothpicks, and coffee stirrers to help you get used to not smoking. When you were smoking, your mind and body became accustomed to the physical act of smoking, holding the cigarette in your hand, and putting it to your lips; using harmless substitutes eases the psychological transition to not smoking.
    • Get out and about. Doing things to distract you from smoking is a good idea. Play a sport, go to the movies, walk along the beach, catch up with smoke-free friends for a gaming session, etc.
    • You might be able to stop the cravings by doing twenty push-ups or brushing your teeth whenever you experience a craving.
    • Place a big fat rubber band on your wrist. Everytime you get a craving, pull the rubber band back and "snap" your wrist, the trigger sensation goes away w/ the sting of the snap.
    • Replace smoking by drinking water heavily; be careful not to drink too much or it will make your stomach look like a balloon for a few weeks. You may need to stay close to a bathroom.
    • Have a low-calorie mint instead of a dirty, stinky cigarette.
  7. Quit Smoking Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    Try abstaining from smoking for a month. Keep telling yourself you will go back to smoking after that month. Then, when the month ends, decide on whether you really want to go back. The answer should be "no!"
  8. Quit Smoking Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    Try a novel approach if you're unsure of the cold turkey approach. Do not force yourself to quit! Instead, observe yourself and the habit of smoking for a week normally as you usually do. Play with the cigarette you hold in your hands and notice how it looks, feels and smells. This will make you aware of yourself in spite of the habit, and will help when finally you take control over yourself, because you cannot stop doing something you are not even aware of. In most of the cases, the person is aware of buying a cigarette pack, lighting it and puffing out the smoke and stubbing the butt in the end, but is unconscious of his or her sensations while they are happening during the process. Usually smokers use smoking to relax or to enjoy the time to think and ponder over something while still feeling the emotion of being in control or doing something engaging with their hands.
    • Avoid being over-aware. Just take a normal casual approach and write it down or make mental notes. Even better, imagine the whole scenario of "how you will light the next one". This way your mind will now have all the necessary sequences required to accept the habit and process your response in future.
    • Because of this focus, you may begin to feel the sour taste in your taste buds, or diminishing sense of smell, or anything else that may pop up that may entice you to leave it.
  9. Quit Smoking Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    Get back on track if you slip up. Don't get discouraged if you "slip" and smoke while trying to quit. Forgive yourself and try again. The key is to not give up, no matter how hard it feels.
    • Pinpoint times, locations, and stresses that trigger an urge to smoke. Think of activities you can occupy yourself with as an alternative.
    • Tell your friends and family that you're trying to quit. Find support in those you love the most.
    • When you feel a coming on, take several slow, deep breaths until the feeling subsides.
  10. Quit Smoking Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    For those who believe that no time is like the present, why not quit at the end of your pack? For every smoke you take, break one and throw it in your toilet. Make it your last pack with a little ceremony, always trying to keep one, perhaps as a souvenir.
  11. Quit Smoking Step 11 Version 3.jpg
    Throw remaining cigarettes away, stop buying them, and think about living a long healthy life, rather than thinking of dying! Don't hang out with the friends who smoke or don't go near the people who do.
  12. Quit Smoking Step 12 Version 3.jpg
    Tell your friends and your family that you don't want to smoke and you don't want to see tobacco anywhere near you. Your family and your friends will try to help you out with that.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


OUTSOURCING JOBS আউটসোর্সিং কি ? কেন ? কিভাবে ? আসলে আউটসোর্সিং এ কি টাকা আয় সবায় করতে পারে।

OUTSOURCING JOBS আউটসোর্সিং কি ? কেন ? কিভাবে ? আসলে আউটসোর্সিং এ কি টাকা আয় সবায় করতে পারে।
ইদানিং বাংলাদেশে খুব বেশি মাতামাতি হচ্ছে আউটসোর্সিং নিয়ে। রাতারাতি বড়লোক হবার বাহারি ও রকমারি বিজ্ঞাপনের মাধ্যমে মানুষকে আকৃষ্ট করার পায়তারায় মত্ত আছে একটি শ্রেনী। অনলাইনে আয় করার এইসব বাহারি বিজ্ঞাপনে আকৃষ্ট হয়ে প্রতারিতও হচ্ছেন অনেকে। কেউ কেউ আবার এই ক্ষেত্রটিকে সদ্য সমালোচিত এমএলএম ব্যাবসার সাথে গুলিয়ে ফেলছেন। বাস্তবে আসলে কি ?আউটসোর্সিং শব্দটি আমাদের দেশে যে খুব বেশি পরিচিত তা নয়, তবে অসাধু ব্যাবসায়ী আর চটকদার বিজ্ঞাপনের কল্যাণে শব্দটি এখন মানুষের মনে নানা কৌতুহলের জন্ম দিচ্ছে, এবং ইতিমধ্যে বাংলাদেশীদের কাছে অতি পরিচিত শব্দ হিসাবে সমাদৃত হচ্ছে। আবার কারো কারো কাছে নিন্দিত হচ্ছে। কিন্তু এমনটা হবার কথা ছিল না। এখন থেকে দশ বছর আগেও আমাদের দেশের মানুষ এই শব্দটির সাথে পরিচিত ছিল না। তখন যে আউটসোর্সিং এর কাজ হতনা তা নয়, কিন্তু এখনকার মত ছিল না। পরিবর্তনশীল এবং প্রতিযোগীতা মূলক বিশ্বায়নের এই সময়ে তৃতীয় বিশ্বের দেশগুলোতে আর্থ-সামাজিক অস্থিরতার কারনে অর্থনৈতিক বৈশম্য এবং অব্যবস্থাপনার কারনে বেকার সমস্যা ক্রমেই বাড়ছে। বাংলাদেশও এই পরিস্থিতির স্বীকার। যার ফলে বেকার যুবকদের পাশাপাশি স্বল্প আয়ের মানুষ জীবনের প্রয়োজনে বিকল্প আয়ের পথ খুজছে। এই সুজোগে আউটসোর্সিং শব্দটি বাংলাদেশের মানুষের মাঝে দ্রুত প্রসার লাভ করছে, এবং হয়তো ভবিষ‌্যতে আরও করবে। কিন্তু আসলে কি এই ব্যবস্থার(আউটসোর্সিং) মাধ্যমে এইসকল সমস্যার সমাধান সম্ভব ? এর সঠিক উত্তর হল পুরোপুরি না হলেও অনেকাংশেই সম্ভব। তবে এর পেছনে অনেকগুলি কিন্তু জড়িত !! যেমন আমাদের দেশে এখন হর হামেশাই শোনা যায় একটি কথা, সহজ উপায়ে অনলাইনে আয়। আমার কথা হল, এত সহজে যদি অনলাইনে কাড়ি কাড়ি ডলার/টাকা কামানো যেত তাহলে পৃথিবী কোটি কোটি মানুষ স্রেফ টাকা উপার্যনের জন্য দিন রাত খাটা খাটুনি বন্ধ করে একখানা কম্পিউটার আর অনলাই কানেকশন নিয় যার যার ঘরে বসে যেত, আর ডলার আয় করত। কিন্তু বাস্তব চিত্রটা একটু ভিন্ন। আসলে আপনার যদি দক্ষতা থাকে তাহলে আউটসোর্সং কেন অন্য যেকোন সেক্টরে আপনি সফল হতে পারেন। আউটসোর্সিংএর ভিন্নতাটুকু হল, এখানে কাজ করা এবং কাজ পাবার স্বাধীনতাটুকু আছে যা আপনি অন্য পেশায় পাবেন না। আর একটা পার্থক্য হল আপনার পরিশ্রমের সঠিক মূল্যায়ন এখানে পাবেন এবং তার জন্য উপযুক্ত সম্মানী পাবেন, অন্যান্য পেশায় যার জন্য প্রতিনিয়ত কর্তা ব্যাক্তিদের সাথে কর্মকর্তাদের মন কাষাকষি লেগেই থাকে, যা আউটসোর্সিং এ নেই। এক কথায় আউটসোর্সিং হল সঠিক কাজ করে সহজ উপায়ে আয় করার একটি কঠিন মাধ্যম। যেখানে সফল হতে হলে আপনাকে প্রথমেই দক্ষতা অর্জন করতে হবে, এবং কাজ করার জন্য সঠিক প্লাটফর্মে আসতে হবে।
এবার জেনে নেই আউটসোর্সিং কি ? আউটসোর্সিং তথা ফ্রিল্যান্সিং শব্দের মূল অর্থ হল মুক্ত পেশা। অর্থাৎ মুক্তভাবে কাজ করে আয় করার পেশা। আর একটু সহজ ভাবে বললে, ইন্টারনেটের ব্যাবস্থার মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠান বিভিন্ন ধরনের কাজ করিয়ে নেয়। নিজ প্রতিষ্ঠানের বাইরে অন্য কাউকে দিয়ে এসব কাজ করানোকে আউটসোর্সিং বলে। যারা আউটসোর্সিংয়ের কাজ করে দেন, তাঁদের ফ্রিল্যান্সার বলে।
এখন এই কাজগুলি কি ? আউটসোর্সিং সাইট বা অনলাইন মার্কেট প্লেসে কাজগুলো বিভিন্ন ভাগে ভাগ করা থাকে। যেমন: ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট, সফটওয়্যার ডেভেলপমেন্ট, নেটওয়ার্কিং ও তথ্যব্যবস্থা (ইনফরমেশন সিস্টেম), লেখা ও অনুবাদ, প্রশাসনিক সহায়তা, ডিজাইন ও মাল্টিমিডিয়া, গ্রাহকসেবা (Customer Service), বিক্রয় ও বিপণন, ব্যবসাসেবা ইত্যাদি। এইসকল কাজগুলি ইন্টারনেট ব্যাবস্থার মাধ্যমে করে দিতে পারলেই অনলাইনে আয় করা সম্ভব। এছাড়াও আরও বিভিন্ন ধরনের উন্নত ধরনের কাজ করারও ব্যাবস্থা আছে আউটসোর্সিং জগতে। কিন্তু আমাদের দেশের কিছু অসাধু ব‌্যাবসায়ী সাধারণ মানুষকে ধোকা দিয়ে নানা পদ্ধতির মাধ্যমে আউটসোর্সিং করে আয় করার সহজ উপায়ের নামে মানুষকে ধোকা দিচ্ছে। বাস্তবে উপরে উল্লিখিত কাজগুলো অথবা এইরকম কারিগরি কাজে দক্ষতা থাকলেও কেবল আউটসোর্সিং জগতে ভাল আয় করা সম্ভব। কোনপ্রকার দক্ষতা ছাড়া এবং আউটসোর্সিং সম্পর্কে ভাল জানাশোনা না থাকলে ধোকা খাওয়া ছাড়া আর কোন উপায় নাই। তাই আগে কাজ করার জন্য নিজেকে তৈরী করেন, তারপর এই পেশায় আসুন। ছোট্র করে বলে রাখি, আপনি যে কাজই জানেন, তা যদি মানুষের কাজে আসতে পারে বলে আপনার মনে হয়, মনে রাখবেন অনলাইনের মাধ্যমে এই কাজটুকু করেই আপনি আয় করতে পারেন। শুধু দরকার সঠিক দিক নির্দেশনা, এবং যে কাজটুকু করবেন তা সম্পর্কে সঠিক জ্ঞান অর্জন করা।
এবার আসব আউটসোর্সিং কেন করবেন ? কিভাবে করবেন ?
আমাদের দেশে তথা বিশ্বের সকল দেশেই আউটসোর্সিং জগতে কাজ করে এমন অনেক মানুষ রয়েছে। কিন্তু তাদের সবাই শতভাগ সফল হতে পারে না। মনে রাখবেন আউটসোর্সিং যেহেতু মুক্ত পেশা, সেখানে আপনার জবাবদিহিতার চেয়ে আপনার কাজের জবাবদিহিতা বেশি। আপনি এই জগতে আসবেন অবশ্যই উপার্যন করার জন্য, এবং আপনি যার কাছ থেকে এই উপার্জনটুকু নিবেন তাকে কোন না কোন সেবা প্রদান করেই এই উপার্যনটুকু করবেন। সুতরাং আপনার কাজ যদি সঠিক না হয়, আপনার কাজে যদি জবাবদিহিতা না থাকে, আপনি যদি কাজ করার ক্ষেত্রে মনযোগী না হন, আপনার কাজে যদি স্বচ্ছতা না থাকে তাহলে আপনি এই সেক্টরে সফল হতে পারবেন না। আউটসোর্সিং এ সবসময় আপনি নিজেকে দিয়ে মূল্যায়ন করবেন। অর্থাৎ আপনি নিজে যদি এই কাজটি (যে কাজটির জন্য আপনি মনোনিত হয়েছেন) অন্য কাউকে দিয়ে করাতেন তাহলে তার কাছ থেকে আপনি কি আশা করতেন, এবং অবশ্যই তার চেয়ে একটু বেশিই দেবার চেষ্টা করবেন। তাহলে যে আপনাকে দিয়ে কাজ করাবে সেও খুশি থাকবে আপনার কাজ পাবার সম্ভাবনাও বেড়ে যাবে।
কাজ পাবেন যেখানে:  আউটসোর্সিংয়ের কাজ পাওয়া যায় এমন অনেক ওয়েবসাইট আছে। আবার ভুয়া সাইটও বের হয়েছে। ফলে সতর্ক হয়েই কাজ শুরু করতে হবে। আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে পরিচিত এবং নির্ভরযোগ্য কয়েকটি সাইটের ঠিকানা দেওয়া হলো—,,,,,,  ইত্যাদি। সবগুলো মোটামুটি একই রকম। অনেকে বলে থাকেন কোন কোন সাইটগুলো ফেইক তা কেন কেউ বলে না ? একটি যৌক্তিক প্রশ্ন, আসল কথা হল এই জগতে আসলের নকলের সংখ্যাই বেশি। তেমনি ফেইক সাইট এত বেশি যে, তা লিখে শেষ করা যাবে না। তাই যেগুলো পরিক্ষীত সেই সাইটগুলোর কথা লেখা হল। এর বাইরে না তাকানোই মঙ্গল।
পিটিসি সাইট কি : পিটিসি সাইটের ব্যাপারে অনেকে বলে থাকেন। আসল কথা হল পিটিসি সাইট মানেই ভুয়া সাইট। পৃথিবীতে লক্ষ লক্ষ পিটিসি সাইট আছে যেগুলো ক্লিক করলেই ডলার আয়ের লোভনীয় অফার দিয়ে ইন্টারনেট জগতে প্রতারনা করে আসছে। আসল কথা হল কোন পিটিসি সাইটই টাকা দেয় না। সুতরাং অযথা সময় নষ্ট না করে সঠিক উপায় টাকা উপার্যন করুন।
আউটসোর্সিং এর নামে এমএলএম  : আউটসোর্সিং মানেই হল মুক্ত পেশা। আর এমএলএম হল দায়বদ্ধতার পেশা। আর একটা পার্থক্য হল, আউটসোর্সিং এর কাজ পেতে কাউকে টাকা দিতে হয় না, শুধু কাজের বিনিময়ে টাকা পাওয়া যায়, আর এমএলএম হল মানুষের কাছ থেকে টাকা এনে অন্যের পকেটে তা জমা রেখে মানুষের পেছনে পেছনে ঘুরা। সুতরাং এই দুই জগত কখনো এক হবে পারে না। ইদানিং বাংলাদেশে একাধিক কোম্পানী বেড়িয়েছে যারা মাল্টিলেভেল মার্কেটিং এর মাধ্যমে আউটসোর্সিং কে পণ্য হিসাবে ব্যাবহার করছে। বাস্তব কথা হল এরা প্রকৃত ধোকাবাজ, স্রেফ মানুষকে ধোকা দিয়ে টাকা কামানোর ধান্দায় এইসকল ব্যাবসায়ীরা মানুষকে বোকা বানাচ্ছে। আসলে তারা আউটসোর্সিং করছে না। সুতরাং এদের কাছ থেকে নিরাপদ দুরত্বে থাকুন। আর একটি তথ‌্য দিয়ে রাখি, এই সকল কোম্পানী যারা করেছে, তারা অতীতে কোন না কোন এমএলএম কোম্পানীর সাথে জড়িত ছিল, বর্তমান পরিবর্তিত পরিস্থিতিতে সেখানে ভাল কিছু করতে পারছে না বিধায় এই নতুন ফন্দির পসরা নিয়ে বসেছে, তাই এদের সম্মিলিত ভাবে বয়কট করুন।
আউটসোর্সিং এর আরও কিছু কাজের ব্যাপারে সংক্ষিপ্ত তথ্য নিচে দিলাম। চেষ্টা করে দেখতে পারেন :
অ্যামাজন ম্যাকানিকাল টার্ক
অতিরিক্ত আয়ের জন্য যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ভিত্তিক অ্যামাজনের মেকানিকাল টার্ক বেশ ভালো একটি উপায় হতে পারে। এখানে কাজ করে অবশ্য ঘন্টায় কয়েক ডলারের বেশি আয় করা সম্ভব নয়। তবে এখানে পর্যাপ্ত পরিমানে কাজ রয়েছে। এখানকার বেশির ভাগ কাজ গুলোই শেষ করতে এক মিনিটের চেয়ে কম সময় লাগে। আর এ জন্য আপনি পেতে পারেন কয়েক পেনি করে। এখানে কাজ করে বেশি অর্থ উপার্জন না করা গেলেও হাত খরচের টাকা অনায়াশেই তোলা সম্ভব।
নিজস্ব সংগ্রহের ছবি বিক্রি
অনলাইনে আপনি নিজের সংগ্রহের ছবি বিক্রি করতে পারেন। এ ধরণের আরো অনেক সাইট রয়েছে। তবে নিজের সংগ্রহ অনলাইনে দেয়ার আগে কোন ধরণের ছবির চাহিদা ভালো সেটা যাচাই করে নিন। ছবি নিয়ে যারা কাজ করতে ভালোবাসেন তাদের পক্ষেও অনেক সাইট কাজ করে থাকে। জনপ্রিয় অনেক ছবিই কম্পিউটারের সহযোগিতায় তৈরী করা হয়েছে। তাই দেরি না করে তিনটি সুন্দর ছবি নিয়ে  istockPhoto সাইট এ পরিদর্শনের জন্য পাঠাতে বসে যান। এতে সাইন আপ করলেই ছবি পাঠানোর সুযোগ পাবেন।
ফ্রিল্যান্স আর্টিকেল লেখক
এ ক্ষেত্রে আর্থিক সুবিধা খুব বেশি না হলেও এর চাহিদা ক্রমশ বাড়ছে। ২০০ থেকে ৩০০ শব্দের একটি আর্টিকেল লিখেই আর্টিকেল ডিরেক্টরিতে পাঠিয়ে দিতে পারেন। ব্লগার, বিপননকারী এবং ক্ষুদ্র ব্যবসায়ীসহ অনেকেই এর গুরুত্বপূর্ন গ্রাহক। আপনি বেশ কয়েকটি আর্টিকেল এক সঙ্গে লিখে প্যাকেজ হিসেবেও এক বা একাধিক গ্রাহকের কাছে বিক্রি করতে পারেন। এক্ষেত্রে প্রতি শব্দ ভিত্তিক মূল্য ধরেও গ্রাহকের চাহিদা অনুযায়ী আর্টিকেল লেখা যেতে পারে। গ্রাহকের কাছ থেকে কোন নির্দেশ না পেলে এক্ষেত্রে সফলতার জন্য  Online Writing Jobs, PoeWar Freelance Jobs এবং এর মতো ওয়েব সাইটগুলো ভিজিট করা যেতে পারে।
অডিও শুনে লেখা
কাজটি বেশ সহজ হলে এতে পারিশ্রমিকের পরিমান খুব বেশি নয়। তবে অর্থ উপার্জনের ক্ষেত্রে এটিও একটি উপায় হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা যেতে পারে। এ কাজ শুরু করতে  oDesk সাইনআপ করা যেতে পারে। এছাড়া বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক কোম্পানির ফোরামে আপনার নিজের কাজের আগ্রহ সম্পর্কে জানাতে পারেন। এজন্য অবশ্য শোনার দক্ষতা এবং ইংরেজি ভাষাতে যথেষ্ট দক্ষতা থাকা একান্ত জরুরী। এ আর্টিকেল লিখে আয়
আপনার যদি keyword research এর মৌলিক বিষয়গুলো জানা থাকে তাহলে প্রতি মাসে  eHow তে আর্টিকেল লিখে আপনি বেশ উল্লেখযোগ্য পরিমানে অর্থ আয় করতে পারেন। এতে আপনার তৈরী করা আর্টিকেল থেকে অর্জিত অর্থের এ্কটি অংশ আপনাকে দেয়ার ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। সংশ্লিস্ট বিষয়ে আপনি একদিনে একাধিক আর্টিকেলও লিখতে পারেন। এভাবে এক মাস চেষ্টা করুন। গুগলে খোজ করা হয এমন আর্টিকেল লিখতে পারলে আপনি মাসে বেশ ভালো আয় করতে সক্ষম হবেন। সবচেয়ে মজার বিষয় হচ্ছে একবার আপনার লেখা নির্ভাচিত হলে আপনি মাসের পর মাস সেটা থেকে অর্থ পেতে থাকবেন।
কোন পন্যের প্রচারের উপযোগি ভিডিও তৈরী
ছোট খাট ভিডিও তৈরী করার শখ অনেকেরই থাকে। অনেক গুরুত্বহীন ভিডিও অনলাইনে পন্য বিক্রির ক্ষেত্রে গুরুত্বপূর্ন সহায়ক ভূমিকা পালন করতে পারে। একটি নির্বাচন করে সেটার উপযোগি ভিডিও তৈরী করে ইউটিউবে ছেড়ে দিন। ভিডিওতে পন্যটির লিঙ্ক দিয়ে দিন। ভিডিওটি শেষে ৩০ সেকেন্ডের একটি স্টিল ফ্রেমে পন্য টি কেনার ঁৎষ দিয়ে দিন। আপনার ভিডিওটি তথ্যসমৃদ্ধ, ফানি এবং প্রয়োজনীয় প্রমানিত হলে আপনিও কিছু পন্য বিক্রি করতে পারেন। তবে এক্ষেত্রে পরামর্শ হলো প্রতিটি পন্য বিক্রির পর ভালো অর্থ পাওয়া যায় এমন পন্যই প্রচারণার জন্য বেছে নেয়া উচিত।
ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে আয়
নিজের তেরী কর ওয়েব সাইটের মাধ্যমে অন্যে সাইটের বিজ্ঞাপনের মাধ্যমে আয়ের ব্যবস্থা করা যেতে পারে। পে-পার-ক্লিক বিজ্ঞাপনের মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন পন বিক্রির ওয়েবসাইটের প্রচারণার মাধ্যমে আয় করা যায়। যখন একটি পন্য বিক্রি হবে তখন সে বিক্রির একটি অংশ আপনার একাউন্টে পাঠিয়ে দেয়া হবে। এক্ষেতে মানুষের সমস্যা অনুধাবন করে তাদের কাজের সহায়ক পন্যগুলোকে প্রচারণার উদ্যোগ নিয়ে ইতিবাচক ফলাফল পাওয়া যেতে পারে।
স্থানীয় বানিজ্যিক প্রতিষ্ঠানকে অনলাইনের সুবিধা
ব্যবসায়ীদের সব সয়ই প্রতিযোগিতার মধ্য দিয়ে কাজ করতে হয়। স্থানীয় ব্যবসায়ীদের অনেকের নিজস্ব ওয়েবসাইট নেই। যাদের রয়েছে তারাও সেটা থেকে আশানুরুপ ফলাফল পাচ্ছেন না। এ ক্ষেত্রে আপনার ওয়েবসাইট তৈরীর জ্ঞানকে কাজে লাগিয়ে স্থানীয় ব্যবসায়ীদেরকে তাদের ব্যবসা প্রসারে সহায়তা করতে পারেন। আপনার সহযোগিতায় ব্যবসায়ীরা উপকৃত হলে আপনি এর সুফল পাবেন।
প্লাগইন তৈরী করুন
এখন বিভিন্ন ব্লগে প্লাগইন বেশ জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠেছে। ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস শিখে এসব ব্লগারদের কাছে নতুন নতুন প্লাগইন পাঠানোর মাধ্যমেও আয় করা যেতে পারে। এর আয় একেবারে কম নয়। ব্লগারদের চাহিদা অনুযায় প্লাগইন সরবরাহ করার মাধ্যমে একে পূর্নকালীন পেশা হিসেবেও বেছে নেয়া যেতে পারে।
বিশেষ সফটওয়্যার বিশেষজ্ঞ হয়ে উঠুন
আমাদের দেশে পাইরেসি আইন তেমন কার্যকর নয় বলে আমরা ইচ্ছে মতো সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করতে পারছি। তাই বলে বিশেষ প্রয়োজনীয় কোন সফটয়্যারের গুরুত্ব কমে যায়নি। এক্ষেত্রে প্রয়েজনীয় সফটওয়্যারে বিশেষ দক্ষতা অর্জনের মাধ্যমে অনেক সময়ই বিভিন্ন কোম্পানিকে বড় ধরণের ক্ষতির হাত থেকে রক্ষা করা যেতে পারে। তাই সফটওয়্যারে বিশেষ দক্ষতা অর্জন করে আপনার জানার বিষয়টি মানুষকে জানিয়ে দিন। প্রয়োজনে তারাই আপনাকে খুজে নেবে।
লোগো ডিজাইন করে প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশ নিন
ডিজাইন সম্পর্কে ভালো জ্ঞান থাকলে বিভিন্ন কোম্পানির চাহিদা মাথায় রেখে লোগো তৈরী করে ওয়েবে দিতে পারেন। 99 designs এমনই একটি স্থান যেখানে আপনি নিজের তৈরী করা লোগো পাঠাতে পারেন। সেখানে অনেকেই বিভিন্ন ধরণের লোগো জমা দিয়ে রাখেন। তাই সেখানে জমা দেয়ার পরপরই আপনার লোগো অন্যের পছন্দ হবে এনটা ভাবার কোন কারণ নেই। অনেকের সঙ্গে প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার লোগোটি বিজয়ী হলে আপনি এর পুরষ্কার পাবেন। নবীন ডিজাইনারদের জন্য এটি বেশ ভালো একটি সুযোগ হতে পারে।
টুইটারের পটভূমি এবং ই-কভার তৈরী করুন
এক্ষেত্রে প্রতিযোগিতা বেশ তীব্র। তবে আপনার যদি উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা থাকে তাহলে অতিরিক্ত আয়ের এটি একটি ভালো উপায় হতে পারে। আপনি চিত্র শিল্পী হলে তো এক্ষেত্রে আপানার রয়েছে বাড়তি সুবিধা। প্রতিটি ডিজাইন তৈরীর সময়ই এর একটি কারণ মাথায় রাখুন। এ বিষয়টি ব্যবহারকারীদের আকর্ষণ করতে ইতি বাচক ভুমিকা পালন করবে। টুইটার পটভ’মির চাহিদা এখন তেমনটা নেই। এ ব্যাপারে বিস্তারিত জানতে How to creat your own Twitter Background পড়তে পারেন।